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test 10-2
[ Скачать с сервера (37.5 Kb) ] 04.05.2012, 14:34

Служба по контролю и надзору в сфере образования Иркутской области


Фамилия,  имя____________________________________________________


2 вариант

Задание 1

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            The first recorded traveller to the Himalayas was Fa-Hsian, a Chinese monk who ventured to the mountains in A.D. 400 seeking religious truth. Big game hunters from British India, seeking tigers, bears and wild goats, mapped and explored large areas of the mountains. A few hunters,  such as B.H. Hodgson in 1832, reported tales of a strange creature, but no specimens were collected. Only in the mid-20th century has this yeti, or the terrible snowman, become the focus for scientific investigation. Bu despite the number of sightings Контрольная работа по английскому языку

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by explorers and mountaineers, and the discovery of huge footprints, the existence of the yeti has not been established.

            When Sir George Everest, Surveyor general of India from 1830-1843, led a mapping expedition into the Himalayas he mapped many mountains but was unable to point the highest.

In 1852, it was discovered that the mountain known as XV on Everest’s maps was higher than its neighbours. In 1865, the mountain was named in honour of Sir George. No long after Everest’s expedition, the rulers of Tibet and Nepal closed their countries to Europeans. Only in 1921, the Dalai Lama allowed a few Europeans into Tibet. A British party under Colonel Howard_-Bury reached  the foot  of the mountain but had time only to map its lower slopes. In 1924, a junior member of the colonel’s party, George Mallory, returned at the head of another team. Watched by colleagues, Mallory and fellow climber Andrew Irvine set out to get to the final peak. The pair had almost reached it when they were enveloped by a cloud and never seen again. No one knows whether or not they conquered Everest, but new evidence discovered in the 1980s has led many people to believe they did.

            By 1953, the Tibetan side was again closed to climbers but the borders of Nepal were open. In that year, a British expedition, organized with military efficiency by John Hunt and carrying oxygen developed in World War II, faced the terrible grandeur of Everest. On the morning of May 29, 1953, New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Sherpa Tenzing Norgay, prepared for the final climb. Setting out from their advance camp at 8,450 m, they faced a difficult way up along a narrow ridge: on either side lay a drop of 3,300m. five hours later, Hillary realized  they had reached the summit. Since this triumphant conquest, the desire by mountaineers to touch the roof of the world has intensified – more than 130 climbers have been successful, five of them without the aid of oxygen.


Choose the correct answer.


1        What did the hunters from British India seek in the Himalayas?

A    wild animals

B    religious truth

C    data for scientific investigations

D    the yeti


2        One of the Himalayan peaks was marked as the highest in

A    1830

B    1832

C    1852

D    1865


3        The first mapping expedition to Everest took place in

A    1832

B    1830-1843

C    1921

D    1865

4        A number of people think that Everest is supposed to have been first conquered by

A    Fa-Hsian

B    Sir George Everest

C    G. Mallory and A. Irving

D    E. Hillary and S. T. Norgay


5        Which of the following statements is true?

A    The first recorded venture to the Himalayas was 400 years ago

B    Big game hunters mostly collected tales of the terrible snowman

C    About 130 mountaineers have climbed Everest without the aid of oxygen

D    The aim of G. Mallory and A. Irving  was to conquer Everest


Задание 2

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте выделенные  слова так, чтобы они соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами.


   I woke up but couldn’t open my eyes. He curtains (CLOSE) 6 _________________ and still the light seemed too bright. All my body (HURT) 7 ______________________ and I had a sore throat. I knew it was warm in the room, but my (FOOT) 8 ________________ felt as cold   as ice. I looked at the clock – it was about nine o’clock. I could hear that mum (COOK) 9_______________________   Sunday breakfast. But I   (NOT BE) 10 ______________ hungry   at all. I felt very thirsty and I wanted to stay in bed for the rest of the day. "   Why are you still in bed?” Mum entered the room and opened the curtains. "  We (WAIT) 11 _________________

you in the kitchen. The breakfast (SERVE) 12 _______________________ already”.” Sorry, mum, but I’d better stay in bed. And could you bring me some tea?” Mum came up to me and

took  my temperature. " O.K, I will bring you hot lemon tea. You can have it here. It will make you feel much (GOOD) 13 ________________ ". She left the room. I (THINK) 14 _______-

 ___________ about how silly of me it was to fall ill on Sunday, the only day in a week when I

(NOT HAVE) 15 __________________________ to go to school.


Задание 3

Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами


   Kim had always been the brightest student in her class and had never worried before her exams. But the week before the finals she felt ( NERVE ) 16 ______________________  and uneasy. ( FORTUNE ) 17 ______________________ for her, the first exam she was taking was Physics – the subject she didn’t feel very good at.  Kim didn’t like Physics. Some students in her class thought that it was a very important subject but she didn’t see any (PRACTICE)18 _______________________________ use in it. Since her (CHILD) 19 ________________

reading was Kim’s hobby.  At school, Kim preferred literature to other subjects and wanted to become ( WRITE ) 20 _____________________ or a journalist, not a scientist. And journalists don’t need Physics, do they?


Задание 4

Write if you wear a uniform in your school; if yes – describe what it’s like, if no – describe what clothes you wear to school. Write at least 100 words.

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